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What Is Scuff Sanding?

Dubois scuff sanding machine

If you need to prepare a surface for primer, paint or varnish, you may need to scuff sand. When done right, scuff sanding gives your final project a polished look. Scuff sanders are used for projects in construction, manufacturing and many other industries. Regardless of your application, it’s important to understand how to perform scuff sanding properly and how to avoid some of the most common mistakes.

What Is Scuff Sanding?

Scuff sanding involves using a sander with the right grit to polish a surface before painting, priming or varnishing. You can sand bare materials or already painted surfaces. The goal is to remove any imperfections, such as bumps and unevenness, so paint or another coating can stick smoothly and properly. Proper sanding prevents bubbles and imperfections in the paint or varnish and can reduce flaking and peeling, helping your final coats of paint or varnish last longer.

How to Scuff Sand by Hand

In some cases, scuff sanding by hand is best. You may only have a small surface area to cover or there may be precision work involved. Here are the steps to follow for manual scuff sanding:

  • Put on protective equipment: A mask and eye goggles protect your lungs and eyes from the fine dust produced by sanding. You may also want to wear coveralls to protect your clothing. 
  • Look at the surface you’ll be sanding: Make sure you are not sanding a surface with asbestos, lead paint or any other hazardous material that would require additional safety precautions.
  • Choose the correct materials: For bare wood, choose sandpaper with a grit between P120 and P150. When scuff sanding between layers of paint, choose a grit between P180 and P220. You can also use a sanding block, sanding sponge or a sander with a pointed tip to sand different types of shapes.
  • Start scuff sanding: Sand with a gentle pressure, going in the direction of the grain, if your surface has one. Check your work often. If you notice scratches, use a lighter pressure or a finer grit sandpaper. 
  • Clean off any dust: Wipe down the dusted surface carefully. Inspect your work to see whether you need another round of sanding or any touch-ups. 

Scuff Sanding Machines

Scuff sanding machines are a great choice if you need to scuff sand large surfaces or if you scuff sand regularly. These machines offer several benefits:

  • Save costs: You will spend less on labor because a scuff sanding machine can get the job done quicker than manual sanding.
  • Free up your labor: By reducing the amount of time spent on scuff sanding, you free up your team to work on varnishing, painting, priming or other projects. 
  • Reduce waste and error: Unlike manual scuff sanding, a machine gives you superior control over the pressure applied. As a result, you can ensure proper techniques are used at all times and spend less time going over areas missed.

How Dubois Equipment Can Help

At Dubois Equipment, our light-duty and heavy-duty scuff sanding machines are ideal for a variety of applications. Our team can also design custom solutions for your needs. Contact us today to find out more or request a quote.